How to Use Fuel to Deploy OpenStack

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Fuel is an open-source software application that simplifies the deployment of highly available OpenStack environments, as well as enables you to manage your OpenStack environments after deployment.

Download Fuel ISO

Download Fuel community version from

Last Stable Release is fuel-community-9.0 here is the ISO.TORRENT

Create a VM for Fuel

Hardware requirement

For a production: Quad-core CPU 4 GB RAM 10 Gigabit network port Disk size depends on the number of deployed nodes. All nodes send logs to the Fuel Master node using rsyslog. During installation, Fuel creates a separate partition for /var to store the remote logs and allocates 40% of the disk size to it. Our recommendation for the remote logs partition is 20 GB per node. If you deploy 10 nodes with Fuel, you need to have a (20 x 10) x 2.5 = 500 GB disk for the Fuel Master node. IPMI access through an independent management network

For a testing environment: Dual-core CPU 2 GB RAM 1 Gigabit network port 50 GB disk Physical console access

Here is my VM spec:

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